Sunday, 8 July 2012

ELI Online Winner 2012 - Kayleigh

And here we have the winner of the ELI Nervion ELI Online Competition.
With a whopping 
putting the rest of us to shame....

Here she is enjoying her prize of a trip to Triana with friends for a posh meal driven by Glenn, our trusty Director, in his shiny black Jag!

Bon apetit!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Goodbye Ella (and End of Course 2011-12)

Here are some photos of Ella's last night and the cake.

Ella, we all hope you have a fantastic time in Austria and that we'll see you soon!  Don't forget to keep in touch!

Not forgetting Gary and Alex - good luck in the future!

And thank you for all the cakes - it won't be the same without you next year...